Lemon OG Candy was created by crossing an elite Super Lemon OG clone with a selection of the renowned Amnesia Haze. The resulting offspring is especially vigorous during the vegetative period.
Fruity Jack / Jack El Frutero by Philosopher Seeds
Sweet Love by Philosopher Seeds
Sugar Pop by Philosopher Seeds
Orange Candy / Naranchup by Philosopher Seeds
To create this variety we used Naran J, a prominent clone from an old strain developed by Reggae Seeds. It comes from a cross between New York Diesel and Morning Glory. After crossing this hybrid and our Tropimango reversed female we have improved the delicious and unique orange flavor of Naran J while adding the vigor and high yields of the male parent.
Spicy CBD / SuperJuani by Philosopher Seeds
Guava Berry Kush / Guayita by Philosopher Seeds
The main goal in this project was to offer a typical USA flavour with our own touch. We crossed a of Guava (Chemdog x Afghani x Chem # 91) elite clone with our best Juanita La Lagrimosa mother plant. The result is a peculiar mix of earthy Guava flavors with fruity citric notes from Juanita La Lagrimosa.